Lion's Den Martial Arts

"Don't fall as prey, Learn to be King of the Jungle!!!"

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a more modern martial art
 that has came to the forefront in the past two decades
as a result of the Ultimate Fighting Championship.
 The style consists of throws, takedowns, and
alot of groundfighting. This is a very high impact style so
 if you are looking for a good workout and want to
lose weight this is the class for you. The class is
currently only accepting beginners, white belts, and
 blue belts with no stripes as it is a startup program
 at our school. The program is offered to ages 7 and Up.
Oxford Lion's Den
Mondays - 7:15pm Gi (Ages 13 and Up) 
8pm No Gi 
Tuesdays - 7:15pm Gi (All Ages / Family)
Wednesdays - 6:30pm Gi  (Ages 7 to 12) 
Thursdays - 7:15pm Gi (All ages)
Saturdays - Competition Team Training Times TBA

Click here for online registration